Tuesday, 31 August 2010

The Future of the UK Economy?

I stumbled across this article about the possible future of the UK economy which makes for interesting reading in relation to the different Sectors of Activity - Primary, Secondary and Tertiary.

What might the UK economy look like in the future?

Saturday, 28 August 2010

Mobility of Resources

During last weeks lessons, we looked at scarce resources, commonly referred to as the factors of production - land, labour, capital and enterprise.

In Monday's lesson, we will look at the mobility of these resources and I have attached an interesting article on the two types of factor immobility - geographical and occupational. Please feel free to read them and hopefully you find some relevant information.

Factor immobility - Tutor2u
Factor immobility - Tutor2u (2)

Thursday, 26 August 2010

Opportunity Cost

Below I have attached a link which takes you to a really good article on Opportunity Cost - there is also a Podcast to listen to if you would prefer.